//****************************************************************************************** // File: PS_AdafruitVEML7700_Illuminance.cpp // Authors: Dan G Ogorchock & Daniel J Ogorchock (Father and Son) // // Summary: PS_AdafruitVEML7700_Illuminance is a class which implements the SmartThings "Illuminance Measurement" device capability. // It inherits from the st::PollingSensor class. It uses I2C communication to measure the Illuminace from a VEML7700 sensor. // // Create an instance of this class in your sketch's global variable section // For Example: st::PS_AdafruitVEML7700_Illuminance sensor1(F("illuminance1"), 60, 0); (simple, uses defaults) // For Example: st::PS_AdafruitVEML7700_Illuminance sensor1(F("illuminance1"), 60, 0, VEML7700_IT_50MS, VEML7700_GAIN_1_8); (full user control of settings) // // st::PS_AdafruitVEML7700_Illuminance() constructor requires the following arguments // - String &name - REQUIRED - the name of the object - must match the Groovy ST_Anything DeviceType tile name // - long interval - REQUIRED - the polling interval in seconds // - long offset - REQUIRED - the polling interval offset in seconds - used to prevent all polling sensors from executing at the same time // - uint8_t integrationTime - OPTIONAL - defaults to VEML7700_IT_50MS // - uint8_t gain - OPTIONAL - defaults to VEML7700_GAIN_1_8 // // // I2C address options // VEML7700_I2CADDR_DEFAULT 0x10 //< Default address // // Valid Integration Time Values: // VEML7700_IT_100MS 0x00 // VEML7700_IT_200MS 0x01 // VEML7700_IT_400MS 0x02 // VEML7700_IT_800MS 0x03 // VEML7700_IT_50MS 0x08 //< Default integration time // VEML7700_IT_25MS 0x0C // // Valid Gain Values: // VEML7700_GAIN_1 0x00 // VEML7700_GAIN_2 0x01 // VEML7700_GAIN_1_8 0x02 //< Default gain // VEML7700_GAIN_1_4 0x03 // // This class supports receiving configuration data from the SmartThings cloud via the ST App. A user preference // can be configured in your phone's ST App, and then the "Configure" tile will send the data for all sensors to // the ST Shield. For PollingSensors, this data is handled in the beSMart() function. // // TODO: Determine a method to persist the ST Cloud's Polling Interval data // // Change History: // // Date Who What // ---- --- ---- // 2019-09-28 Dan Ogorchock Original Creation // // //****************************************************************************************** #include "PS_AdafruitVEML7700_Illuminance.h" #include "Constants.h" #include "Everything.h" namespace st { //private //public //constructor - called in your sketch's global variable declaration section PS_AdafruitVEML7700_Illuminance::PS_AdafruitVEML7700_Illuminance(const __FlashStringHelper *name, unsigned int interval, int offset, uint8_t integrationTime, uint8_t gain) : PollingSensor(name, interval, offset), veml(), m_nIntegrationTime(integrationTime), m_nGain(gain) { } //destructor PS_AdafruitVEML7700_Illuminance::~PS_AdafruitVEML7700_Illuminance() { } //SmartThings Shield data handler (receives configuration data from ST - polling interval, and adjusts on the fly) void PS_AdafruitVEML7700_Illuminance::beSmart(const String &str) { String s = str.substring(str.indexOf(' ') + 1); if (s.toInt() != 0) { st::PollingSensor::setInterval(s.toInt() * 1000); if (st::PollingSensor::debug) { Serial.print(F("PS_AdafruitVEML7700_Illuminance::beSmart set polling interval to ")); Serial.println(s.toInt()); } } else { if (st::PollingSensor::debug) { Serial.print(F("PS_AdafruitVEML7700_Illuminance::beSmart cannot convert ")); Serial.print(s); Serial.println(F(" to an Integer.")); } } } void PS_AdafruitVEML7700_Illuminance::init() { Serial.println("Initializing the VEML7700 sensor..."); if (veml.begin()) { Serial.println("Found VEML7700 sensor."); } else { Serial.println("No VEML7700 found... check your wiring and address"); } veml.setGain(m_nGain); veml.setIntegrationTime(m_nIntegrationTime); delay(100); //slight delay to allow sensor to initialize for accurate first reading getData(); } //function to get data from sensor and queue results for transfer to ST Cloud void PS_AdafruitVEML7700_Illuminance::getData() { /* Get a new sensor data */ m_nLux = (long) veml.readLux(); //Serial.println(m_nLux); /* Display the results (light is measured in lux) */ if ((m_nLux >= 0) && (m_nLux <= 120000)) { //send data to SmartThings/Hubitat Everything::sendSmartString(getName() + " " + String(m_nLux)); } else { /* No reliable data could be generated! */ Serial.println("VEML7700 Sensor failure"); } } }