// EspDebug - Test sketch for ESP8266 module #include "Arduino.h" // Emulate Serial1 on pins 7/6 if not present #ifndef HAVE_HWSERIAL1 #include "SoftwareSerial.h" SoftwareSerial Serial1(6, 7); // RX, TX #endif void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); // serial port used for debugging Serial1.begin(9600); // your ESP's baud rate might be different } void loop() { if(Serial1.available()) // check if the ESP is sending a message { while(Serial1.available()) { int c = Serial1.read(); // read the next character Serial.write((char)c); // writes data to the serial monitor } } if(Serial.available()) { // wait to let all the input command in the serial buffer delay(10); // read the input command in a string String cmd = ""; while(Serial.available()) { cmd += (char)Serial.read(); } // print the command and send it to the ESP Serial.println(); Serial.print(">>>> "); Serial.println(cmd); // send the read character to the ESP Serial1.print(cmd); } }