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2023-03-11 14:11:03 +00:00
// File: PS_AdafruitSHT31_TempHumid.h
// Authors: Dan G Ogorchock & Daniel J Ogorchock (Father and Son)
// Summary: PS_AdafruitSHT31_TempHumid is a class which implements the "Temperature Measurement"
// and "Relative Humidity Measurement" device capabilities.
// It inherits from the st::PollingSensor class. The current version uses I2C to measure the
// temperature and humidity from an SHT31 series sensor using the Adafruit_SHT31 library.
// Create an instance of this class in your sketch's global variable section
// For Example: st::PS_AdafruitSHT31_TempHumid sensor1(F("SHT31_1)", 60, 0, "temperature1", "humidity1", false, 100, 0x44);
// st::PS_AdafruitSHT31_TempHumid() constructor requires the following arguments
// - String &name - REQUIRED - the name of the object - must be unique, but is not used for data transfer for this device
// - long interval - REQUIRED - the polling interval in seconds
// - long offset - REQUIRED - the polling interval offset in seconds - used to prevent all polling sensors from executing at the same time
// - String strTemp - REQUIRED - name of temperature sensor to send to ST Cloud (e.g."temperature1")
// - String strHumid - REQUIRED - name of humidity sensor to send to ST Cloud (e.g. "humidity1")
// - bool In_C - OPTIONAL - true = Report Celsius, false = Report Farenheit (Farentheit is the default)
// - byte filterConstant - OPTIONAL - Value from 5% to 100% to determine how much filtering/averaging is performed 100 = none (default), 5 = maximum
// - int address - OPTIONAL - I2C address of the sensor (defaults to 0x44 for the SHT31)
// Filtering/Averaging
// Filtering the value sent to ST is performed per the following equation
// filteredValue = (filterConstant/100 * currentValue) + ((1 - filterConstant/100) * filteredValue)
// This class supports receiving configuration data from the SmartThings cloud via the ST App. A user preference
// can be configured in your phone's ST App, and then the "Configure" tile will send the data for all sensors to
// the ST Shield. For PollingSensors, this data is handled in the beSMart() function.
// TODO: Determine a method to persist the ST Cloud's Polling Interval data
// Change History:
// Date Who What
// ---- --- ----
// 2019-03-24 Dan Ogorchock Original Creation
#include "PS_AdafruitSHT31_TempHumid.h"
#include "Constants.h"
#include "Everything.h"
namespace st
//constructor - called in your sketch's global variable declaration section
PS_AdafruitSHT31_TempHumid::PS_AdafruitSHT31_TempHumid(const __FlashStringHelper *name, unsigned int interval, int offset, String strTemp, String strHumid, bool In_C, byte filterConstant, int address) :
PollingSensor(name, interval, offset),
//check for upper and lower limit and adjust accordingly
if ((filterConstant <= 0) || (filterConstant >= 100))
m_fFilterConstant = 1.0;
else if (filterConstant <= 5)
m_fFilterConstant = 0.05;
m_fFilterConstant = float(filterConstant) / 100;
//SmartThings Shield data handler (receives configuration data from ST - polling interval, and adjusts on the fly)
void PS_AdafruitSHT31_TempHumid::beSmart(const String &str)
String s = str.substring(str.indexOf(' ') + 1);
if (s.toInt() != 0) {
st::PollingSensor::setInterval(s.toInt() * 1000);
if (st::PollingSensor::debug) {
Serial.print(F("PS_AdafruitSHT31_TempHumid::beSmart set polling interval to "));
else {
if (st::PollingSensor::debug)
Serial.print(F("PS_AdafruitSHT31_TempHumid::beSmart cannot convert "));
Serial.println(F(" to an Integer."));
//initialization routine - get first set of readings and send to ST cloud
void PS_AdafruitSHT31_TempHumid::init()
bool status = SHT31.begin(m_nAddress);
if (st::PollingSensor::debug)
if (!status) {
Serial.println("Could not find a valid SHT31 sensor, check wiring!");
//function to get data from sensor and queue results for transfer to ST Cloud
void PS_AdafruitSHT31_TempHumid::getData()
if (m_fHumiditySensorValue == -1.0)
Serial.println("First time through Humidity");
m_fHumiditySensorValue = SHT31.readHumidity(); //first time through, no filtering
m_fHumiditySensorValue = (m_fFilterConstant * SHT31.readHumidity()) + (1 - m_fFilterConstant) * m_fHumiditySensorValue;
if (m_fTemperatureSensorValue == -1.0)
Serial.println("First time through Temperature");
//first time through, no filtering
if (m_In_C == false)
m_fTemperatureSensorValue = (SHT31.readTemperature() * 1.8) + 32.0; //Scale from Celsius to Farenheit
m_fTemperatureSensorValue = SHT31.readTemperature();
if (m_In_C == false)
m_fTemperatureSensorValue = (m_fFilterConstant * ((SHT31.readTemperature() * 1.8) + 32.0)) + (1 - m_fFilterConstant) * m_fTemperatureSensorValue;
m_fTemperatureSensorValue = (m_fFilterConstant * SHT31.readTemperature()) + (1 - m_fFilterConstant) * m_fTemperatureSensorValue;
Everything::sendSmartString(m_strTemperature + " " + String(m_fTemperatureSensorValue));
Everything::sendSmartString(m_strHumidity + " " + String(m_fHumiditySensorValue));