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2023-03-11 14:11:03 +00:00
// File: InterruptSensor.h
// Authors: Dan G Ogorchock & Daniel J Ogorchock (Father and Son)
// Summary: st::InterruptSensor is a generic class which inherits from st::Sensor. This is the
// parent class for the st::IS_Motion, IS_Contact, and IS_DoorControl classes.
// In general, this file should not need to be modified.
// Change History:
// Date Who What
// ---- --- ----
// 2015-01-03 Dan & Daniel Original Creation
// 2015-03-17 Dan Added optional "numReqCounts" constructor argument/capability
// 2019-09-22 Dan Ogorchock ESP8266 support for using A0 pin as a digital input
#include "Sensor.h"
namespace st
class InterruptSensor: public Sensor
byte m_nInterruptPin; //pin that will be monitored for change of state
bool m_bInterruptState; //LOW or HIGH - determines which value indicates the interrupt is true (i.e. LOW=Falling Edge, HIGH=Rising Edge)
bool m_bStatus; //true == interrupted
bool m_bPullup; //true == Internal Pullup resistor required, set in constructor call in your sketch
bool m_bInitRequired; //
long m_nRequiredCounts; //Number of required counts (checks of the pin) before believing the pin is high/low
long m_nCurrentUpCount;
long m_nCurrentDownCount;
long m_nLoopCounter;
void checkIfTriggered();
InterruptSensor(const __FlashStringHelper *name, byte pin, bool iState, bool internalPullup=false, long numReqCounts=0); //(defaults to NOT using internal pullup resistors, and required counts = 0)
virtual ~InterruptSensor();
//initialization function
virtual void init();
//update function
virtual void update();
//handles what to do when interrupt is triggered - all derived classes should implement this virtual function
virtual void runInterrupt();
//handles what to do when interrupt is ended - all derived classes should implement this virtual function
virtual void runInterruptEnded();
inline byte getInterruptPin() const {return m_nInterruptPin;}
inline bool getInterruptState() const {return m_bInterruptState;}
inline bool getStatus() const {return m_bStatus;} //whether or not the device is currently interrupted
void setInterruptPin(byte pin);
void setInterruptState(bool b) {m_bInterruptState=b;}
//debug flag to determine if debug print statements are executed (set value in your sketch)
static bool debug;