st-anything/lib/Adafruit MPR121/Adafruit_MPR121.cpp

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2023-03-11 14:11:03 +00:00
* @file Adafruit_MPR121.cpp
* @mainpage Adafruit MPR121 arduino driver
* @section intro_sec Introduction
* This is a library for the MPR121 I2C 12-chan Capacitive Sensor
* Designed specifically to work with the MPR121 sensor from Adafruit
* ---->
* These sensors use I2C to communicate, 2+ pins are required to
* interface
* Adafruit invests time and resources providing this open source code,
* please support Adafruit and open-source hardware by purchasing
* products from Adafruit!
* @section author Author
* Written by Limor Fried/Ladyada for Adafruit Industries.
* @section license License
* BSD license, all text here must be included in any redistribution.
#include "Adafruit_MPR121.h"
// uncomment to use autoconfig !
//#define AUTOCONFIG // use autoconfig (Yes it works pretty well!)
* @brief Default constructor
Adafruit_MPR121::Adafruit_MPR121() {}
* @brief Begin an MPR121 object on a given I2C bus. This function resets
* the device and writes the default settings.
* @param sensibility5C
* together with sensibility5D sets the sensibility of the touch sensors
* @param sensibility5D
* @param i2caddr
* the i2c address the device can be found on. Defaults to 0x5A.
* @param *theWire
* Wire object
* @param touchThreshold
* touch detection threshold value
* @param releaseThreshold
* release detection threshold value
* @returns true on success, false otherwise
bool Adafruit_MPR121::begin(uint8_t sensibility5C, uint8_t sensibility5D,
uint8_t i2caddr, TwoWire *theWire,
uint8_t touchThreshold, uint8_t releaseThreshold) {
if (i2c_dev) {
delete i2c_dev;
i2c_dev = new Adafruit_I2CDevice(i2caddr, theWire);
if (!i2c_dev->begin()) {
return false;
// soft reset
writeRegister(MPR121_SOFTRESET, 0x63);
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 0x7F; i++) {
// Serial.print("$"); Serial.print(i, HEX);
// Serial.print(": 0x"); Serial.println(readRegister8(i));
writeRegister(MPR121_ECR, 0x80);
// writeRegister(MPR121_ECR, 0x0);
uint8_t c = readRegister8(MPR121_CONFIG2);
if (c != 0x24) return false;
setThresholds(touchThreshold, releaseThreshold);
writeRegister(MPR121_MHDR, 0x01);
writeRegister(MPR121_NHDR, 0x01);
writeRegister(MPR121_NCLR, 0x0E);
writeRegister(MPR121_FDLR, 0x00);
writeRegister(MPR121_MHDF, 0x01);
writeRegister(MPR121_NHDF, 0x05);
writeRegister(MPR121_NCLF, 0x01);
writeRegister(MPR121_FDLF, 0x00);
writeRegister(MPR121_NHDT, 0x00);
writeRegister(MPR121_NCLT, 0x00);
writeRegister(MPR121_FDLT, 0x00);
// writeRegister(MPR121_DEBOUNCE, 0x32);
// change this values to extend the range of the sensibility of the sensors
writeRegister(MPR121_CONFIG1, sensibility5C);
writeRegister(MPR121_CONFIG2, sensibility5D);
writeRegister(MPR121_AUTOCONFIG0, 0x2B);
// writeRegister(MPR121_AUTOCONFIG0, 0x20);
// correct values for Vdd = 3.3V
writeRegister(MPR121_UPLIMIT, 200); // ((Vdd - 0.7)/Vdd) * 256
writeRegister(MPR121_TARGETLIMIT, 180); // UPLIMIT * 0.9
writeRegister(MPR121_LOWLIMIT, 130); // UPLIMIT * 0.65
// enable X electrodes and start MPR121
0b10000000 + 12; // 5 bits for baseline tracking & proximity disabled + X
// amount of electrodes running (12)
writeRegister(MPR121_ECR, ECR_SETTING); // start with above ECR setting
return true;
* @brief DEPRECATED. Use Adafruit_MPR121::setThresholds(uint8_t touch,
* uint8_t release) instead.
* @param touch
* see Adafruit_MPR121::setThresholds(uint8_t touch, uint8_t
* *release)
* @param release
* see Adafruit_MPR121::setThresholds(uint8_t touch, *uint8_t
* release)
void Adafruit_MPR121::setThreshholds(uint8_t touch, uint8_t release) {
setThresholds(touch, release);
* @brief Set the touch and release thresholds for all 13 channels on the
* device to the passed values. The threshold is defined as a
* deviation value from the baseline value, so it remains constant
* even baseline value changes. Typically the touch threshold is a little bigger
* than the release threshold to touch debounce and hysteresis. For typical
* touch application, the value can be in range 0x05~0x30 for example. The
* setting of the threshold is depended on the actual application. For the
* operation details and how to set the threshold refer to application note
* AN3892 and MPR121 design guidelines.
* @param touch
* the touch threshold value from 0 to 255.
* @param release
* the release threshold from 0 to 255.
void Adafruit_MPR121::setThresholds(uint8_t touch, uint8_t release) {
// set all thresholds (the same)
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
writeRegister(MPR121_TOUCHTH_0 + 2 * i, touch);
writeRegister(MPR121_RELEASETH_0 + 2 * i, release);
* @brief Read the filtered data from channel t. The ADC raw data outputs
* run through 3 levels of digital filtering to filter out the high
* frequency and low frequency noise encountered. For detailed information on
* this filtering see page 6 of the device datasheet.
* @param t
* the channel to read
* @returns the filtered reading as a 10 bit unsigned value
uint16_t Adafruit_MPR121::filteredData(uint8_t t) {
if (t > 12) return 0;
return readRegister16(MPR121_FILTDATA_0L + t * 2);
* @brief Read the baseline value for the channel. The 3rd level filtered
* result is internally 10bit but only high 8 bits are readable
* from registers 0x1E~0x2A as the baseline value output for each channel.
* @param t
* the channel to read.
* @returns the baseline data that was read
uint16_t Adafruit_MPR121::baselineData(uint8_t t) {
if (t > 12) return 0;
uint16_t bl = readRegister8(MPR121_BASELINE_0 + t);
return (bl << 2);
* @brief Read the touch status of all 13 channels and the over current
* status in a 16 bit integer.
* @returns a 16 bit integer where the 12 lower bits contain the touch status of
* the 12 touch sensors. Then, the 13th bit contains the status of the proximiti sensor,
* if used. The highest bit contains the status of the over current flag.
uint16_t Adafruit_MPR121::touched(void) {
uint16_t t = readRegister16(MPR121_TOUCHSTATUS_L);
return t & 0x9FFF;
* @brief Read the contents of an 8 bit device register.
* @param reg the register address to read from
* @returns the 8 bit value that was read.
uint8_t Adafruit_MPR121::readRegister8(uint8_t reg) {
Adafruit_BusIO_Register thereg = Adafruit_BusIO_Register(i2c_dev, reg, 1);
return (;
* @brief Check if during the configuration or the auto-configuration the sensors
went out of range, hence no touch could be sensed. Only the 2 ightest bits are checked
because they are the bits that inform about this error. Even if the ids of the failing
channels are set in the lowest bits, this is not used here.
* @returns true if the configuration or the auto-configuration could not be performed.
bool Adafruit_MPR121::wentOutOfRange(void) {
uint16_t e = readRegister8(MPR121_STATUS_H);
// check for bits 1100 0000.
return (e & 0xC0);
* @brief Check if the sensor had an over current, hence it's in an error status an no
* sensing could be performed. It does it by checking the highest bit of the touched array
* (see page 11 in sensor documnetation).
* @param touched the array with the results of the touch check, where the highest contains
* the error status
* @returns true if the sensor had an over current, false otherwise
bool Adafruit_MPR121::hadOverCurrent(uint16_t touched) {
return (touched & 0x8000);
* @brief Read the contents of a 16 bit device register.
* @param reg the register address to read from
* @returns the 16 bit value that was read.
uint16_t Adafruit_MPR121::readRegister16(uint8_t reg) {
Adafruit_BusIO_Register thereg =
Adafruit_BusIO_Register(i2c_dev, reg, 2, LSBFIRST);
return (;
@brief Writes 8-bits to the specified destination register
@param reg the register address to write to
@param value the value to write
void Adafruit_MPR121::writeRegister(uint8_t reg, uint8_t value) {
// MPR121 must be put in Stop Mode to write to most registers
bool stop_required = true;
// first get the current set value of the MPR121_ECR register
Adafruit_BusIO_Register ecr_reg =
Adafruit_BusIO_Register(i2c_dev, MPR121_ECR, 1);
uint8_t ecr_backup =;
if ((reg == MPR121_ECR) || ((0x73 <= reg) && (reg <= 0x7A))) {
stop_required = false;
if (stop_required) {
// clear this register to set stop mode
Adafruit_BusIO_Register the_reg = Adafruit_BusIO_Register(i2c_dev, reg, 1);
if (stop_required) {
// write back the previous set ECR settings