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2023-03-11 14:11:03 +00:00
// File: PS_Adafruit_MPR121.cpp
// Authors: Luca Masera
// Summary: PS_Adafruit_MPR121 is a class that inherits from the st::InterruptSensor class.
// Create an instance of this class in your sketch's global variable section.
// For Example: st::PS_Adafruit_MPR121 sensor(F("button1"), 5, 0x10, 0x20, 1000);
// st::PS_Adafruit_MPR121() constructor requires the following arguments
// - String &name - REQUIRED - the name of the object, should be "touchButtons_Kitchen", "touchButtons_Desk", etc...
// - int8_t activatedButtonId - REQUIRED - the id of the sensor that is used to activate the touching capability
// - uint8_t sensibility5C = 0x10, together with sensibility5D sets the sensibility of the touch sensors
// - uint8_t sensibility5D = 0x20,
// - long reqNumMillisHeld = 1000 - milliseconds thesholdb between "Held" and "Pushed"
// Change History:
// Date Who What
// 2022-09-23 Luca Masera Corrected bugs within inizialization and check of buttons status
// 2022-09-22 Luca Masera Original creation
#include "PS_Adafruit_MPR121.h"
#include "Constants.h"
#include "Everything.h"
namespace st {
// private
// public
// constructor
PS_Adafruit_MPR121::PS_Adafruit_MPR121(const __FlashStringHelper *name,
int8_t activateButtonId,
uint8_t sensibility5C,
uint8_t sensibility5D,
long reqNumMillisHeld)
: InterruptSensor(name, 2, false), // use parent class' constructor
// destructor
PS_Adafruit_MPR121::~PS_Adafruit_MPR121() {}
void PS_Adafruit_MPR121::init() {
// get current status of motion sensor by calling parent class's
// init() routine - no need to duplicate it here!
Serial.println("Adafruit MPR121 Capacitive Touch sensor");
// Default address is 0x5A, if tied to 3.3V its 0x5B
// If tied to SDA its 0x5C and if SCL then 0x5D
if (!cap.begin(m_sensibility5C, m_sensibility5D, 0x5A)) {
Serial.println(F("MPR121 not found, check wiring?"));
} else {
Serial.println(F("MPR121 found!"));
// called periodically by Everything class to ensure ST Cloud is kept up yo
// date. HOWEVER, not useful for the IS_Button.
void PS_Adafruit_MPR121::refresh() {
if (isBlockedStatus) {
isBlockedStatus = false;
Serial.println("Blocked status: trying to perform a soft reset to restart the sensor.");
// Send 'init' message to allow Parent Driver to set numberOfButtons
// attribute automatically
Everything::sendSmartString(getName() + F(" init"));
void PS_Adafruit_MPR121::update() { // Get the currently touched pads
// get current time
long currentTime = millis();
// get current touch array
curr_touched = cap.touched();
// had an over current or out of range?
isBlockedStatus = cap.hadOverCurrent(curr_touched) || cap.wentOutOfRange();
if (!isBlockedStatus) {
// A) if not active...
if (!isActive) {
// B) if the touch is to activate the sensor (ACTIVATE_BUTTON)...
if (bitRead(curr_touched, activateButtonId) && !(bitRead(old_touched, activateButtonId))) {
// register activation time and ...
Serial.println(F("activation touched"));
activationStart = currentTime;
} else if ((bitRead(old_touched, activateButtonId)) && bitRead(old_touched, activateButtonId)) {
// C) if the activation time is bigger than the ACTIVATION_THRESOLD...
if (currentTime - activationStart > _ACTIVATION_THRESOLD) {
// activate the sensor and register active time
waitingActive = currentTime;
isActive = true;
// ... is active
} else {
// D) first check if still active, or at least hold
if ((currentTime - waitingActive > _ACTIVE_TIMEOUT) && !isHold) {
// if not, deactivate the sensor
isActive = false;
} else {
// is active or hold, check what's going on with the buttons
// for each button (we have 12), check the status of the bit in the touch array (ignore ACTIVATE_BUTTON)
for (uint8_t currentButton = 0; currentButton < 12; currentButton++) {
if (currentButton != activateButtonId) {
// E) if positive and different from the old status then ...
if (bitRead(curr_touched, currentButton) && !(bitRead(old_touched, currentButton))) {
//... is a touch: register the TOUCH and store the touch time (for hold status)
Serial.print("touched: ");
startTouch[currentButton] = currentTime;
waitingActive = currentTime;
Everything::sendSmartStringNow(getName() + String(currentButton) + _PUSHED);
// F) if positive and equal to the old status then ...
} else if (bitRead(curr_touched, currentButton) && (bitRead(old_touched, currentButton))) {
// ... G) it could be a hold: if the HOLD_THRESOLD has been reached for the current button...
if (!(bitRead(isHold, currentButton)) && (currentTime - startTouch[currentButton] > HOLD_THRESOLD)) {
// ... register the HOLD and store a flag for the button
Serial.print("held: ");
bitSet(isHold, currentButton);
waitingActive = currentTime;
Everything::sendSmartString(getName() + String(currentButton) + _HELD);
// H) if negative and different from the old status then ...
} else if (!(bitRead(curr_touched, currentButton)) && bitRead(old_touched, currentButton)) {
// ... it means that there's no touch anymore
// I) if it was hold...
if (bitRead(isHold, currentButton)) {
// ... reset the flag for the button
Serial.print("stop held: ");
bitClear(isHold, currentButton);
// register the RELEASE for the button
Serial.print("released: ");
Everything::sendSmartString(getName() + String(currentButton) + _RELEASED);
old_touched = curr_touched;
void PS_Adafruit_MPR121::runInterrupt() {}
void PS_Adafruit_MPR121::runInterruptEnded() {}
} // namespace st