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2023-03-11 14:11:03 +00:00
// File: S_TimedRelay.cpp
// Authors: Dan G Ogorchock
// Summary: S_TimedRelay is a class which implements the SmartThings "Relay" device capability. It features
// an automatic-turn-off time delay for a relay to emulate a button press.
// It inherits from the st::Sensor class and clones much from the st::Executor Class
// Create an instance of this class in your sketch's global variable section
// For Example: st::S_TimedRelay sensor1(F("relaySwitch1"), PIN_RELAY, LOW, true, 1000, 0, 1, 0);
// st::S_TimedRelay() constructor requires the following arguments
// - String &name - REQUIRED - the name of the object - must match the Groovy ST_Anything DeviceType tile name
// - byte pinOutput - REQUIRED - the Arduino Pin to be used as a digital output
// - bool startingState - REQUIRED - the value desired for the initial state of the switch. LOW = "off", HIGH = "on"
// - bool invertLogic - REQUIRED - determines whether the Arduino Digital Ouput should use inverted logic
// - long onTime - REQUIRED - the number of milliseconds to keep the output on, DEFAULTS to 1000 milliseconds
// - long offTime - OPTIONAL - the number of milliseconds to keep the output off, DEFAULTS to 0
// - int numCycles - OPTIONAL - the number of times to repeat the on/off cycle, DEFAULTS to 1
// - byte finalState - OPTIONAL - leave in X state after finishing sequence 0 = off, 1 = on , Defaults to 0
// Change History:
// Date Who What
// ---- --- ----
// 2015-12-29 Dan Ogorchock Original Creation
// 2018-08-30 Dan Ogorchock Modified comment section above to comply with new Parent/Child Device Handler requirements
// 2019-06-23 Brian Wilson Added finalState option
// 2020-10-20 Dan Ogorchock Fixed minor bug to ensure proper reporting of device state
#include "S_TimedRelay.h"
#include "Constants.h"
#include "Everything.h"
namespace st
void S_TimedRelay::writeStateToPin()
digitalWrite(m_nOutputPin, m_bInvertLogic ? !m_bCurrentState : m_bCurrentState);
S_TimedRelay::S_TimedRelay(const __FlashStringHelper *name, byte pinOutput, bool startingState, bool invertLogic, unsigned long onTime, unsigned long offTime, unsigned int numCycles, byte finalState) :
if (numCycles < 1)
m_iNumCycles = 1;
m_iCurrentCount = 1;
Serial.println(F("S_TimedRelay:: INVALID Number of Cycles Requested! Must be at least 1. Setting to 1."));
void S_TimedRelay::init()
Everything::sendSmartString(getName() + " " + (m_bCurrentState == HIGH ? F("on") : F("off")));
//update function
void S_TimedRelay::update()
if (m_iCurrentCount < m_iNumCycles)
//Turn off digital output if timer has expired
if ((m_bCurrentState == HIGH) && (millis() - m_lTimeChanged >= m_lOnTime))
if (m_nfinalState == 1) { // final state will be on
//add one to the current count since we finished an on/off cycle, and turn on output if needed
if (m_iCurrentCount < m_iNumCycles)
m_bCurrentState = LOW;
m_lTimeChanged = millis();
} else {
m_bCurrentState = LOW;
m_lTimeChanged = millis();
else if ((m_bCurrentState == LOW) && (millis() - m_lTimeChanged >= m_lOffTime))
if (m_nfinalState == 0) { // final state will be off
//add one to the current count since we finished an on/off cycle, and turn on output if needed
if (m_iCurrentCount < m_iNumCycles)
m_bCurrentState = HIGH;
m_lTimeChanged = millis();
} else {
m_bCurrentState = HIGH;
m_lTimeChanged = millis();
//Check to see if we just finished the requested number of cycles
if (m_iCurrentCount == m_iNumCycles)
//Decrement number of active timers
if (st::Everything::bTimersPending > 0) st::Everything::bTimersPending--;
m_bTimerPending = false;
//Queue the relay status update the ST Cloud
Everything::sendSmartString(getName() + " " + (m_bCurrentState == HIGH ? F("on") : F("off")));
void S_TimedRelay::beSmart(const String &str)
String s = str.substring(str.indexOf(' ') + 1);
if (st::Device::debug) {
Serial.print(F("S_TimedRelay::beSmart s = "));
if ((s == F("on")) && (m_bCurrentState == LOW))
m_bCurrentState = HIGH;
//Save time turned on
m_lTimeChanged = millis();
//Increment number of active timers
if (!m_bTimerPending)
m_bTimerPending = true;
//Queue the relay status update the ST Cloud
Everything::sendSmartString(getName() + " " + (m_bCurrentState == HIGH ? F("on") : F("off")));
//Set the initial count to zero
m_iCurrentCount = 0;
//update the digital output
else if ((s == F("off")) && (m_bCurrentState == HIGH))
m_bCurrentState = LOW;
//Decrement number of active timers
if (st::Everything::bTimersPending > 0) st::Everything::bTimersPending--;
m_bTimerPending = false;
//Queue the relay status update the ST Cloud
Everything::sendSmartString(getName() + " " + (m_bCurrentState == HIGH ? F("on") : F("off")));
//Reset the count to the number of required cycles to prevent Update() routine from running if someone sends an OFF command
m_iCurrentCount = m_iNumCycles;
//update the digital output
//Queue the relay status update the ST Cloud
Everything::sendSmartString(getName() + " " + (m_bCurrentState == HIGH ? F("on") : F("off")));
//called periodically by Everything class to ensure ST Cloud is kept consistent with the state of the contact sensor
void S_TimedRelay::refresh()
//Queue the relay status update the ST Cloud
Everything::sendSmartString(getName() + " " + (m_bCurrentState == HIGH ? F("on") : F("off")));
void S_TimedRelay::setOutputPin(byte pin)
m_nOutputPin = pin;
pinMode(m_nOutputPin, OUTPUT);