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2023-03-11 14:11:03 +00:00
#include <Adafruit_BusIO_Register.h>
* @brief Create a register we access over an I2C Device (which defines the bus and address)
* @param i2cdevice The I2CDevice to use for underlying I2C access
* @param reg_addr The address pointer value for the I2C/SMBus register, can be 8 or 16 bits
* @param width The width of the register data itself, defaults to 1 byte
* @param bitorder The bit order of the register (used when width is > 1), defaults to LSBFIRST
* @param address_width The width of the register address itself, defaults to 1 byte
Adafruit_BusIO_Register::Adafruit_BusIO_Register(Adafruit_I2CDevice *i2cdevice, uint16_t reg_addr,
uint8_t width, uint8_t bitorder, uint8_t address_width) {
_i2cdevice = i2cdevice;
_spidevice = NULL;
_addrwidth = address_width;
_address = reg_addr;
_bitorder = bitorder;
_width = width;
* @brief Create a register we access over an SPI Device (which defines the bus and CS pin)
* @param spidevice The SPIDevice to use for underlying I2C access
* @param reg_addr The address pointer value for the I2C/SMBus register, can be 8 or 16 bits
* @param type The method we use to read/write data to SPI (which is not as well defined as I2C)
* @param width The width of the register data itself, defaults to 1 byte
* @param bitorder The bit order of the register (used when width is > 1), defaults to LSBFIRST
* @param address_width The width of the register address itself, defaults to 1 byte
Adafruit_BusIO_Register::Adafruit_BusIO_Register(Adafruit_SPIDevice *spidevice, uint16_t reg_addr,
Adafruit_BusIO_SPIRegType type,
uint8_t width, uint8_t bitorder, uint8_t address_width) {
_spidevice = spidevice;
_spiregtype = type;
_i2cdevice = NULL;
_addrwidth = address_width;
_address = reg_addr;
_bitorder = bitorder;
_width = width;
* @brief Create a register we access over an I2C or SPI Device. This is a handy function because we
* can pass in NULL for the unused interface, allowing libraries to mass-define all the registers
* @param i2cdevice The I2CDevice to use for underlying I2C access, if NULL we use SPI
* @param spidevice The SPIDevice to use for underlying I2C access, if NULL we use I2C
* @param reg_addr The address pointer value for the I2C/SMBus register, can be 8 or 16 bits
* @param type The method we use to read/write data to SPI (which is not as well defined as I2C)
* @param width The width of the register data itself, defaults to 1 byte
* @param bitorder The bit order of the register (used when width is > 1), defaults to LSBFIRST
* @param address_width The width of the register address itself, defaults to 1 byte
Adafruit_BusIO_Register::Adafruit_BusIO_Register(Adafruit_I2CDevice *i2cdevice, Adafruit_SPIDevice *spidevice,
Adafruit_BusIO_SPIRegType type, uint16_t reg_addr,
uint8_t width, uint8_t bitorder, uint8_t address_width) {
_spidevice = spidevice;
_i2cdevice = i2cdevice;
_spiregtype = type;
_addrwidth = address_width;
_address = reg_addr;
_bitorder = bitorder;
_width = width;
* @brief Write a buffer of data to the register location
* @param buffer Pointer to data to write
* @param len Number of bytes to write
* @return True on successful write (only really useful for I2C as SPI is uncheckable)
bool Adafruit_BusIO_Register::write(uint8_t *buffer, uint8_t len) {
uint8_t addrbuffer[2] = {(uint8_t)(_address & 0xFF), (uint8_t)(_address>>8)};
if (_i2cdevice) {
return _i2cdevice->write(buffer, len, true, addrbuffer, _addrwidth);
if (_spidevice) {
if (_spiregtype == ADDRBIT8_HIGH_TOREAD) {
addrbuffer[0] &= ~0x80;
return _spidevice->write( buffer, len, addrbuffer, _addrwidth);
return false;
* @brief Write up to 4 bytes of data to the register location
* @param value Data to write
* @param numbytes How many bytes from 'value' to write
* @return True on successful write (only really useful for I2C as SPI is uncheckable)
bool Adafruit_BusIO_Register::write(uint32_t value, uint8_t numbytes) {
if (numbytes == 0) {
numbytes = _width;
if (numbytes > 4) {
return false;
for (int i=0; i<numbytes; i++) {
if (_bitorder == LSBFIRST) {
_buffer[i] = value & 0xFF;
} else {
_buffer[numbytes-i-1] = value & 0xFF;
value >>= 8;
return write(_buffer, numbytes);
* @brief Read data from the register location. This does not do any error checking!
* @return Returns 0xFFFFFFFF on failure, value otherwise
uint32_t Adafruit_BusIO_Register::read(void) {
if (! read(_buffer, _width)) {
return -1;
uint32_t value = 0;
for (int i=0; i < _width; i++) {
value <<= 8;
if (_bitorder == LSBFIRST) {
value |= _buffer[_width-i-1];
} else {
value |= _buffer[i];
return value;
* @brief Read a buffer of data from the register location
* @param buffer Pointer to data to read into
* @param len Number of bytes to read
* @return True on successful write (only really useful for I2C as SPI is uncheckable)
bool Adafruit_BusIO_Register::read(uint8_t *buffer, uint8_t len) {
uint8_t addrbuffer[2] = {(uint8_t)(_address & 0xFF), (uint8_t)(_address>>8)};
if (_i2cdevice) {
return _i2cdevice->write_then_read(addrbuffer, _addrwidth, buffer, len);
if (_spidevice) {
if (_spiregtype == ADDRBIT8_HIGH_TOREAD) {
addrbuffer[0] |= 0x80;
return _spidevice->write_then_read(addrbuffer, _addrwidth, buffer, len);
return false;
* @brief Read 2 bytes of data from the register location
* @param value Pointer to uint16_t variable to read into
* @return True on successful write (only really useful for I2C as SPI is uncheckable)
bool Adafruit_BusIO_Register::read(uint16_t *value) {
if (! read(_buffer, 2)) {
return false;
if (_bitorder == LSBFIRST) {
*value = _buffer[1];
*value <<= 8;
*value |= _buffer[0];
} else {
*value = _buffer[0];
*value <<= 8;
*value |= _buffer[1];
return true;
* @brief Read 1 byte of data from the register location
* @param value Pointer to uint8_t variable to read into
* @return True on successful write (only really useful for I2C as SPI is uncheckable)
bool Adafruit_BusIO_Register::read(uint8_t *value) {
if (! read(_buffer, 1)) {
return false;
*value = _buffer[0];
return true;
* @brief Pretty printer for this register
* @param s The Stream to print to, defaults to &Serial
void Adafruit_BusIO_Register::print(Stream *s) {
uint32_t val = read();
s->print("0x"); s->print(val, HEX);
* @brief Pretty printer for this register
* @param s The Stream to print to, defaults to &Serial
void Adafruit_BusIO_Register::println(Stream *s) {
* @brief Create a slice of the register that we can address without touching other bits
* @param reg The Adafruit_BusIO_Register which defines the bus/register
* @param bits The number of bits wide we are slicing
* @param shift The number of bits that our bit-slice is shifted from LSB
Adafruit_BusIO_RegisterBits::Adafruit_BusIO_RegisterBits(Adafruit_BusIO_Register *reg, uint8_t bits, uint8_t shift) {
_register = reg;
_bits = bits;
_shift = shift;
* @brief Read 4 bytes of data from the register
* @return data The 4 bytes to read
uint32_t Adafruit_BusIO_RegisterBits::read(void) {
uint32_t val = _register->read();
val >>= _shift;
return val & ((1 << (_bits+1)) - 1);
* @brief Write 4 bytes of data to the register
* @param data The 4 bytes to write
void Adafruit_BusIO_RegisterBits::write(uint32_t data) {
uint32_t val = _register->read();
// mask off the data before writing
uint32_t mask = (1 << (_bits+1)) - 1;
data &= mask;
mask <<= _shift;
val &= ~mask; // remove the current data at that spot
val |= data << _shift; // and add in the new data
_register->write(val, _register->width());
* @brief The width of the register data, helpful for doing calculations
* @returns The data width used when initializing the register
uint8_t Adafruit_BusIO_Register::width(void) { return _width; }